Top 3 colleges rule:
1: Be quite in the class because others are sleeping
2:Books it works as pillow
3:keep the campus clean so be absent
A girl called me the other day and said,
Come on over, there is nobody home.
You will have fun.
I went over and Nobody was home.
In cricket match 1 girl made pakistani flag on her cheeks.
A boy kissed her cheeks and said, . . . . .
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Appu: I want you to explain why I have to wear these same old clothes.
Pappu: Bcoz if u don`t, you could scare the dog.
If someone throws a stone at you,
through a flower at him BUT,
Make sure the flower is still in the pot,
Banta: What is the best way to see flying saucers?
Santa: Pinch the waitress.
What a woman wants is what you are out of.
She wants more of a thing when it is scarce.
Appu: Do you know that it is not fall that kills you,
it is the sudden stop at the end.

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Pappu: Bcoz if u don`t, you could scare the dog.

If someone throws a stone at you,
through a flower at him BUT,
Make sure the flower is still in the pot,

Santa: Pinch the waitress.

She wants more of a thing when it is scarce.

it is the sudden stop at the end.

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Funny Stangy Hair Styles...>>
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