Part - 45
* Girl: Can I hold your hand?
Boy: No Girl: Why?
Boy: because it will hurt too much when you let it go.
* If you wait to be happy, you will wait forever However if you start to be happy,you will be happy forever Start Smiling and keep happy.
* The height of mixed emotion? ur motherin law falls 4rm the 7th floor on ur brand new ferrari n u dunt knw whether 2 laugh or cry
* My Girlfriend Suggested A Book For Me To Read To Enhance Our Relationship Its Entitled: Women Are From Venus, Men Are Wrong.
* Dream makes everything possible,Hope makes everything work,Love makes everything beautiful,Smile makes all d above So always Brush ur Teeth.
Read & See More this FUNNY
* Do you Like me as I am??
Or do I haVe to Request GOD to impRove your taste ??
* Wife said :I will die
Husband replied:I will also die
Wife again:why will u die?
Husband said:bcaz i cant bear the excitement when u die.

* Q:What did the gangster son tell dad when he failed his examination?
A:Dad they questioned me for 3 hours but I never told them anything

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Or do I haVe to Request GOD to impRove your taste ??

Husband replied:I will also die
Wife again:why will u die?
Husband said:bcaz i cant bear the excitement when u die.

A:Dad they questioned me for 3 hours but I never told them anything

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