Funny Pictures & Funny Jokes
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- Joke -
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- Joke -
Santa went to Banta s house and said, "Oye Banteya, lets go to London"
Banta replied "Yes Santa, par mainu English nahin aandi" (I can t speak English)
Santa assures Banta that his English skills are better than average, and that he d take care of him in London. Santa and Banta reach London, and pretty soon are sauntering down the middle of a fairly busy road!
A Gori Mem(blonde) pulls up behind them in her Austin Princess and starts of in English ...... Oh Man! ,,, You are jay-walking BLAH BLAH don t you have any regard For the traffic rules in this country ... etc.. etc..
Santa turns around, looks at the Gori Mem, and Starts rattling off the following at a fairly brisk Pace.
"To the Principal, Government High secondary school, Village Noorpur, Post Office Noorpur, Tehsil Jalandhar, District Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Sir ... I am having severe stomach aches since yesterday, and my Phamily doctor has recomended bed rest! .... Please grant me two days sick leave. Yours Obediently .... Santa."
The Gori is quite baffled at the sudden outburst from Santa, and quitely gets into her car and leaves.
Banta is amazed. He runs up to Santa and says "Oye Santa, tu taan phate chak dite"! Us gori de takkar di angrazi bol ke" (You put that gori back in her place, your English sounds better than hers)
Santa Shrugs off Banta and says: "oye yeh taa kuch bhi nahin, je jaada tain tain kardi na .... mainu Thirsty Crow te Greedy Daag Dono aande se dono suna dene se" (that was only a sample, if she would have stuck around I would have recited thirsty crow and Greedy dog for her as well).
Banta replied "Yes Santa, par mainu English nahin aandi" (I can t speak English)
Santa assures Banta that his English skills are better than average, and that he d take care of him in London. Santa and Banta reach London, and pretty soon are sauntering down the middle of a fairly busy road!
A Gori Mem(blonde) pulls up behind them in her Austin Princess and starts of in English ...... Oh Man! ,,, You are jay-walking BLAH BLAH don t you have any regard For the traffic rules in this country ... etc.. etc..
Santa turns around, looks at the Gori Mem, and Starts rattling off the following at a fairly brisk Pace.
"To the Principal, Government High secondary school, Village Noorpur, Post Office Noorpur, Tehsil Jalandhar, District Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Sir ... I am having severe stomach aches since yesterday, and my Phamily doctor has recomended bed rest! .... Please grant me two days sick leave. Yours Obediently .... Santa."
The Gori is quite baffled at the sudden outburst from Santa, and quitely gets into her car and leaves.
Banta is amazed. He runs up to Santa and says "Oye Santa, tu taan phate chak dite"! Us gori de takkar di angrazi bol ke" (You put that gori back in her place, your English sounds better than hers)
Santa Shrugs off Banta and says: "oye yeh taa kuch bhi nahin, je jaada tain tain kardi na .... mainu Thirsty Crow te Greedy Daag Dono aande se dono suna dene se" (that was only a sample, if she would have stuck around I would have recited thirsty crow and Greedy dog for her as well).