Father's Day SMS
With the innovations in the field of communication technology, physical distances have ceased to
be of much importance. Now, you can easily connect with a person sitting thousands of miles away, with the click of a mouse (PC) or even a button (cell phone). It also means that wishing your loved ones on their special day, even if they are separated by miles of distance, is perfectly possible. In case you are living far away from your dad and want to wish him a 'Happy Father's Day', then opting for a text message is a great idea. You can also make use of the
Father's Day SMS collection, given below, for the purpose.
Text Messages For Father's Day
Dad, your guiding
hand on my shoulder
will remain with me forever.
Happy Father's Day!
I know just the person who needs
"101 Ways to Be a Great Dad".
Don't worry it isn't you!
Happy Fathers'Day!
Some people are better just as they are
Just like you!
Happy Fathers'Day!
Thanks for being there
Through the tears,
Through the laughter
Even through the dirty diapers.
Happy Father's Day!
God gave me the greatest gift I ever had,
God gave me a best friend in the form of my dad.
Best wishes for a dad who is one in a million!
Happy Father's Day!
U've seen me laugh
U've seen me cry
And always u were there 4 me
I may not hv always said it
But, today is d day to say it loud
'I Love You Dad'
Happy Father's Day!
For the best dad who always had a smile 4 me
Though we may b far apart right now
Here is a big hug and kiss 4 u
To let u know how special u r
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Fathers Day means
I Thank U
I Love U
U r d best dad & my best friend
Today is ur day
Lets celebrate it 2gether
Happy Father's Day!
Like a potter
You made me from naught
To my soul
Joy you brought
So much to me you taught
Dad, thanks a lot
To you I jot
A Happy Father's Day!
Dad you are never wrong
The only time you are wrong
Is when you think,
I forgot about you.
Love you Dad!
Have a Grand Father's Day!
Daddy, I Love You
For All That You Do.
I'll Kiss You And Hug You
‘Cause You Love Me, Too.
Happy Father's Day!
U r every thing to me
With whom I can share my all secrets
U r always there to help me
Whenever I'm in distress
I Love U
Happy Father's Day
It is easier for a father to have children,
Than for children to have a real father.
I'm glad to have u dad,
Happy Fathers Day!
I'm blessed to have u as my father.
On this special day,
I would like to thank u 4 everything.
You are my hero Dad.
I Love You.
Happy Fathers Day!
Happy, Happy Happy Father's Day!
No one has a father so sweet
Your kind ways just cant be beat
Happy Happy Happy Father's Day
I love you in a big big way!
Dad, your guiding
hand on my shoulder
will remain with me forever.
Happy Father’s Day
If the relationship of
father to son could
really be reduced to biology,
the whole earth would blaze
with the glory of fathers and sons.
Happy father’s day.
Happy Happy Father’s Day
Here’s A Little Song To Say
“Happy, Happy Father’s Day”
No One’s Father Is So Sweet.
Your Kind Ways Just Can’t Be Beat.
Happy Happy Father’s Day;
I Love You In A Big Way!!
“Delightful And Loving,
Loved And Admired,
Dad, You’re My Hero,
My Life You’ve Inspired. And When All My Blessings
Are Counted Each Day,
I Thank God In Heaven
For Dad When I Pray. Dad Thanks For Your Presence
Throughout Thick And Thin;
You’re More Than A Parent,
You’re My Wonderful Friend.”
Happy Father Day
I Cannot Think Of
Any Need In Childhood
As Strong As The Need
For A Father’s Protection.
Happy Father’s Day!
F= Forever With His Family
A= Always There For You No Matter What
T= The Only One Who’s There
H= He’s My Hero Till The End
E= Encouraging In Everything I Do
R= Really The Only One…
No One Can Beat Him He’s The Best!!!
What You Have
Inherited From
Your Father,
You Must Earn Over
Again For Yourselves,
Or It Will Not Be Yours.
~ Happy Father’s Day ~
A Father Is Someone That
Holds Your Hand At The Fair
Makes Sure You Do What Your Mother Says
Holds Back Your Hair When You r Are Sick
Brushes That Hair When It Is Tangled Because Mother Is Too Busy
Lets You Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast
But Only When Mother Is Away
He Walks You Down The Aisle
And Tells You Everything Gonna Be Ok
God made a father who is,
as sweet as a nectar,
as brave as a lion,
as cheerful as a bear,
and he gave such dear father to me.
Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers day means more
than have a happy day
It means i love you first of all
Then thanks for all you do
It means you mean a lot to me
and that I honor you.