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Funny Pictures Funny Jokes-34
Pappu: When is it unlucky to see a black cat?
Appu: When you are a mouse.
Bunny (to receptionist of hotel): Can you give me a room and a bath?
Receptionist: I can give u a room, but u'll hav 2 hav bath urself.
Whats d difference between ppl who pray in Temples and ppl who pray in Exam Centers? Those in d exam centers r damn serious.
All of our politicians play KBC in reverse manner. They make crores and crores first and then answer the questions later.
Appu: I have been trying to think of a word for two weeks.
Pappu: Its a fortnight.
Wife: Can u explain 2 me how dis lipstick got on ur collar?
Husband: No,I really cant.I distinctly remembered having taken my shirt off.